Well, there isn't too
much to say for this last week. Still having a difficult time seeing great
progress, but we did get a new investigator who expressed a ton
of confusion and lack of faith in religion, but a desire to understand truth
and come to know her Heavenly Father - everything The Gospel of Jesus Christ
has to offer her is EXACTLY what she needs!
Z.L.'s w/Mission Pres |
This last Friday we
had a rough day - only one lesson, out "finding" all day with no success - but we
felt great about it because there were two times where we truly made the
correct decision to be diligent and we were blessed for it. The first one was
while we were going to our appointment with a gentleman and he wasn't home
yet; Elder Weaver mentioned that the man will be home soon so we can just wait,
but after inquiring about the past missionary work on his street, I suggested
we start tracting. So at 7:00, with no light left, we tracted, and although we
didn't really get to teach anyone, we did get to share a scripture from the
Book of Mormon with lady who previously was very closed off to the church - and
afterwards she began to consider things more openly, and the Spirit was very
strong there. Then, our 8:00 appointment fell though, and as we pulled into our
parking lot, the posed options were to go walking in the cold and street
contacting or going inside and find something to do...immediately I suggested
we brave the cold and go find someone to teach. And although nobody talked to us
on the street, we walked all the way to a gas station where Elder Weaver went
to use the restroom, and the cashier lady started a conversation with me. She
had known previous missionaries, and as I later came to find out, she was a
former investigator! It was a wonderful contact and we even got a free hot
chocolate :) but best of all, we found another one of God's lost sheep that was
seeking her way home, and we will get to visit her again soon :). Oh how I love
being diligent, it really makes every sacrifice for this work well worthwhile
Well, transfer calls
were this last Saturday and I survived! - hopefully I'll finish my last two
transfers here - Although Elder Weaver will be leaving; so I will be receiving
and "training" a new zone Leader starting tomorrow, and I am super
excited for it! Can't wait to tell you of all the great miracles that are to
come this next week! :)
From New England with
Elder Dustin Carr
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