Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Onward Christian Soldiers, On to Victory!

Last night we stopped by the Wood's home and Dave asked us, "Well boys, how goes the battle?"  And looking back on this last week, we've fought some really taught battles in this war.  From ridiculous investigators to temptations of laziness, and from insane people screaming at us on their doorstep to defending ourselves from our landlord's blood-thirsty rooster, this week we've seen it all.  And so my response to Dave was, "Well, we're fighting hard, but it ain't over yet."
We've recently witnessed how hard the adversary is working on our investigators.  One in particular seems to get it all when we meet with him;  he feels the Spirit, and understands all that we teach.  But the next day, while at home, he'll tell us of all these other scriptures and such that "disprove" the truth.  It's so sad to see that Satan is working so hard on our investigators - working on them when they have no support or strength and twisting ideas/scriptures to make them turn away from the truth.  It's really tough, and quite frustrating do deal with, but I signed up for this fight, so we just need to step up our game and testify as a true Representative of Jesus Christ does.
Topsfield Congregational Church, where Josph Smith Sr and ancesters worshipped and were baptized.
We also got to help a lot at the Wood's this last week with reputtying and painting their kitchen walls.  It's really fun to serve, and every time I do I am just so filled with the pure love of Christ.  And this time, I was filled with gratitude.  I was able to do a lot of wall-puttying and a bit of painting, and I never would have had the skills to offer had I not gotten to work so much on the addition in Sacramento, and for Brian at Roses & Ivy.  I'm so grateful for all the experiences and work that I had before my mission, and for the people who have taught me so much, and prepared me so well, for what I am doing now.
Yesterday was Stake Conference and it was AMAZING!!!  I love every minute of it!  We sat in the front row with Matt Wood, Bishop Capener and Family, and it was definitely the best seat in the chapel!  I learned so much from the speakers, but I learned the most just from seeing the members here in New England all join together - some having to drive over an hour to get there!  The whole Stake Center was filled all the way back through the stage, and there were still others standing!  It really strengthened my testimony of how the church is true no matter where you are, and I was just so happy to see all of the members in the area together and I was so proud to be a part of it!  I love New England, I love the people here, and I am so grateful that I have been "Called to serve the people of New England, with the gospel of a loving God." (Called to Serve, 3rd verse, NHMM)
After a week of many battles fought, I have continually boosted my morale with hymns such as "We Are All Enlisted," to recharge my faith and remind me that:
We are all enlisted till the conflict is o’er;
Happy are we! Happy are we!
Soldiers in the army, there’s a bright crown in store;
We shall win and wear it by and by.
Can't wait to tell you of the battles we will win this week!  "On, then, Christian soldiers, On to victory!"
From New England with love,
Elder Dustin Carr

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back in Touch Again

This last week was great.  I got to go on another exchange up in Portsmouth with Elder Price and I got a lot of experience finding people just out on the streets; it was fun!  And in the beginning of the week we had a dinner appointment at a family that has been having a really hard time lately, and Elder Busby and I were trying to figure out what to show them, and without even thinking about why, we each felt that we should share the Mormon Message "Good Things To Come".  It was perfect! and it was so amazing because the sister said that before we got there, she had been praying for a message that would be the answer she needed to hear, and that was exactly what she needed : )  We have been so blessed to have been the Lord's instruments in answering her prayer last week. 
Oh and then this last Friday, we had FHE with Matt Wood and his family! it was so awesome!!! It was a huge miracle to finally get to the point of being able to do this with his family, and even better yet, they loved it! and we're doing it again tonight!  Also, Matt Wood asked me to speak with him at his farewell talk in two weeks - I'm super humbled and honored to have this opportunity, he and I have become very close friends.  Well, I gotta run now to a Correlation meeting with our Ward Mission Leader, and then we're going to FHE with the Woods! Wish us luck!

Love you,
Elder Dustin Carr

Thursday, October 13, 2011

No News from Dusty Again this Week...

He must be stamp-deprived or letter-challenged.  We hear he is doing fine, though, still in Georgetown, according to Sister Franklin at the mission office.