We’ll I'm going to be short because we already had tons of stuff to do today, and we've gotten two different calls from investigators needing us to help them (one to track down their dog with them, the other is in the ER and needs a blessing); so it looks like the Lord is chastening us for selfishly caring only for our needs, as we are now being called to serve, haha.
So I'll skip the surprise, cause it wasn't much of one, haha, but I have survived transfers again, and will stay in Brewer, ME. But there are some other changes - the Triumphant Trio has come to an end; Elder Esplin and Elder Niebergall are being transferred. It's bittersweet, because I'll miss them, but Elder Esplin is going to be an Assistant, and Elder Niebergall will be a Zone Leader in Augusta, so I'll still see them both at least once a month : )
As for me though, I will remain here and receive a missionary who will be new to being a Zone Leader, so I get to experience the fun, joyous, and stressful moments of training again. Haha, really though, I'm sure it will be great and I know he will be an excellent missionary, because the Lord has to give me a companion that can shape me up! : P I'm super excited though because it's a fresh start with a fresh view and outlook of things here for our area and for the Zone, so I look forward to all the new revelation my new companion and I will receive.
Well, our area is rockin' solid right now, and I am glad to say that we have successfully hit each of our 4 Standards of Excellence at least twice during this transfer! : ) It wasn't easy, but it was an inspired goal, so therefore the Lord provided a way for us to accomplish it. I have learned through it all that these Standards of Excellence were inspired to reach our vision and increase our faith -- and that is exactly what they have done for me! : )
I'm excited to get to tell you more about how this next week goes with my new companion and all the exciting things we'll learn together!
From Maine with Love,
Elder Dustin Carr
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